Our Guarantee
Thank you for choosing Prestige Home Improvements for your project. Your chosen work comes with a five year installation guarantee. The guarantee will take affect only when the project has been satisfactorily completed and this is defined as all work has been completed by ourselves and the customer has made full payment for the said project.
The guarantee covers the installation for general domestic use, and does not extend to cover damage or deterioration caused by, or resulting from: accident, misuse, heavy goods vehicles, natural weathering or extreme weathering, lack of maintainance (including re-pointing or re-sealing after a period of 2 years from the original date of completion). Impact damage, commercial use or stains caused by any substance whatsoever.
Movement, expansion or contraction of all sub-soil or sub-base due to, (but not limited to) climate changes, tree root activity, underground drains, road works, mine works, earth quakes, and changes to the local water table, all of these are outside the control of ourselves. Therefore the guarantee does not cover damage caused by these, or related factors.
In the event of a claim, every reasonable effort will be made to ensure any remedial work will be completed in a colour and pattern to match. However due to product evolution and the natural weathering of the existing installation, no assurance can be given that an exact match would be possible. Once again thank you for choosing Prestige Home Improvements.
Cooling off Period
As Per Standard
As STANDARD You have the right to cancel any work agreed either verbally or in written form within the said cooling off period which is 14 days of the agreement taking place of you receiving it in written form.
You ALSO have the right to waiver the cooling off period if you want the work doing straight away or within the 14 day cooling off period. OR If the service is provided in full within 14 days. The right to cancel can be lost during the cancellation period if the service is provided in full before the 14 days elapses.
Where a service has been started within the cancellation period at the express request of the consumer, but has not been completed, the consumer still has the right to cancel. However, the consumer will have to pay for the service used during the time up to when he informed you of his decision to cancel. What he should pay will be in proportion to what has been supplied in comparison with the full contract price. The amount is to be calculated either: * on the basis of the total price... or • if the total price is excessive, based upon the market price of what has been supplied, calculated by comparing the prices for similar services from other traders.